Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why I don’t really believe in those “male enhancement” drugs…

Everyone needs a little help in the bedroom every once in a while, but now-a-days it’s just gotten a little bit out of control. You have drugs to make him stronger, longer, wider etc., but what happened to being all natural. I can bet that if most men even knew 10% of the correct mixture of vitamins, exercise, and meditation not only would they be more fulfilled in the bedroom but their partner would be as well. I came across this article in Everyday Health, they stated the following exercises to make sex better. But before I post what they said, I am going to give my 5 exercises for better sexual health for males. I hope that you take this and incorporate it into your life as best as you can and get something out of it.

My tips
1.Running-helps with stamina, strength, and because it’s cardio if you happen to be on the larger side, it will help with not getting winded when you REALLY get into it
2.Pilates/Yoga-the deep breathing and relaxation associated with these exercises are especially good when your woman wants to “go that extra mile” so to speak. Also because there is a lot of stretching involved in these exercises, you will be more flexible
3.Dancing-Personally, I feel like the more rhythm you have in the hips, the better you are in bed. Blame it on me being the product of Jamaica. If you aren’t that rhythmically inclined, DON’T WORRY, there are plenty of ways to get your “groove on”
4.Lifting weights-ever had those moments when you want to pick your girl up and show something she NEVER experienced before? It wouldn’t be possible without that weight set…
5.Masturbation-yeah, I said it. I would consider it an exercise because from what I’ve heard, men break a sweat and get a little workout. Translated to the bedroom, he knows how to tell his woman what he wants (building confidence) and he knows how to slow himself down

Like any exercise program please consult a physician…yada yada yada. Now for Everyday Health’s Picks

Everyday Health's 5 Sexercise Tips
#1: Weight Lifting-"causes the body to produce testosterone, which is the primary precursor for the male sex drive"
#2: Kegels-"these exercises can help endurance and control by tonight the PC muscles in the body body's pelvic floor, which can lead to better sex"
#3: Yoga-"it allows your body to get into creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse"
#4: Fast Walking-"In a Harvard study, researchers found that aerobic exercise resulted in a 30% lower risk of erectile dysfunction"
#5: Swimming-"for at least 30 minutes three times a week will increase sexual endurance and lead to weight loss"

Everyday Health's 5 Exercises Men Can Do for Better Sex

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