Monday, August 23, 2010

Tesha's Favorite Couple #5


This has to be my favorite couple of ALL TIME! Well, other than me and the booskie. They are the epitome of what Black Love should be.

So often we see loving relationships between black men and black women as somewhat dysfunctional, scarce, and rare. I believe that black men and black women will learn to love each other once they learn to love themselves and accept each other’s faults.

Black women need to learn that you can’t change a man unless he wants to be changed and that a little submissiveness is not a bad thing. So often black women try to be the strong “Superwoman” types, but fail to realize that being overly strong-willed will prevent them from getting a man. A man wants to feel like a man at all times. Sure I can open my own door, assemble my own furniture, hell even open up that jar of pickles, but in order to let my man know that he is still needed and wanted I let him do it for me. Why? Because a man still wants to be a man. [Period]

Black men need to realize that in order for us to treat them like a man, they need to step up to the plate and BE A MAN! It’s no problem to have fun and be young, but if all you do is sit with your boys playing video games and refuse to be responsible, then we have a problem. You can’t complain about a woman acting like your mom if you continue to act like a child. You have to understand that the reason black women have had to create this hard exterior and become “Superwomen” is because you have caused them to be this way. When a void appears, someone is going to step up to the plate to fill it. Black men, you must learn to love your women again. No every female is not a woman and you must know the difference, but all in all you must love black women ACCEPTING their faults.

My favorite couple is Barack and Michelle Obama. I love how they seemingly mesh so well together. They truly complement each other. I love how even though Michelle is/ was more successful than Barack in the beginning, she never allowed that to deter the fact that he is THE MAN in her life. I love how they always sneak intimacy in their lives no matter what is going on. A fist bump here, a pat on the butt there, a peck on the lips, it doesn’t matter you know through their subtle PDA they are still in love after 18 years of marriage.

They are the couple I hope to be with my honey.

&hearts Tesha

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