Sunday, May 30, 2010

How the Brazilians lower high cholesterol.

I read an article recently in UK’s Stylist magazine that had an article about how Brazil’s Health minister José Gomes Temporāo is on a quest to lower the population’s blood pressure. But get this…He’s not doing it with a healthy eating campaign. He’s not leading the country through the latest blood pressure lowering fitness craze. Health minister Temporāo is on a crusade to help Brazil’s citizen’s lower their blood pressure by encouraging them to have MORE SEX. Yes that’s right. The world’s sexiest country has gotten even sexier by making it sexy to have sex. [Whoo! *fans self*]

As if they needed ANOTHER reason to be on our list of sexiest places, but now their own government is encouraging people to have sex several times a week. I say, America needs to get on it and get like the brasileños.

&hearts Tesha

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